If the will of the people is the will of God, the events that unfolded at Capitol Hill in Washington, USA yesterday were blasphemous. Yesterday, was an injurious assault on the will of more than 81 million American people who cast their votes for Biden-Harris legitimately defeating the Trump administration. Yesterday, was an unprecedented attack on the democracy of the United States of America. Yesterday, was the dangerous consequence of leadership left unchecked. Yesterday, must never be forgotten.
The Heliconia Foundation for Young Professionals (HFYP) lends its voice to the global discourse in expressing its great sadness at what must be described as a dark day of infamy in the world’s history. Yet, even amidst the despair, as a national organization, the Foundation believes that there are valuable lessons for our nation of Trinidad and Tobago which must be tabled at this time - now more than ever, we must rally together as a people despite our political allegiances to boldly guard our institutions of democracy without fear or favour, malice or ill-will; we must hold our leaders accountable and to a higher standard of responsibility and above all else, we must never allow the politics of the day to corrupt the sacredness of our nation’s democracy for to do so is to sacrilegiously stain the virtue of our liberty and sovereignty