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National Expansion on the Horizon for Heliconia Foundation

4 Feb 2021 4:31 PM | Osei Roach Benn (Administrator)

National expansion is on the horizon for the Heliconia Foundation for Young Professionals (HFYP). Following its highly successful membership campaign in Tobago on January 9, the Heliconia Foundation for Young Professionals’ national expansion agenda continued with the launch of its Central Chapter in Couva, Trinidad this past Monday.

The Honourable Mr. Faris Al Rawi, Attorney General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, applauded the Heliconia Foundation for Young Professionals’ on its national expansion plans and the launch of its Central Chapter. As the evening’s keynote speaker, the Attorney General reminded the Foundation that its “relevance is in the independence of its voice”.

HFYP Central Leadership Committee (L-R): Mr. Rahul Rampersad, Vice Chairman, Ms. Victoria Rattansingh, Chairman, Mr. Farai Masaisai, President of the Heliconia Foundation, Ms. Sharda Satram, Operations Officer, Honourable Mr. Faris Al Rawi, Attorney General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Ms. Maria Sawh, Secretary, Ms. Vithra Seereeram, Treasurer

The Heliconia Foundation’s adept and diversely talented Central Leadership Committee led by Ms. Victoria Rattansingh, were presented with their instruments of appointment by Mr. Farai Hove Masaisai, President of the Heliconia Foundation and Attorney at Law. Mr. Masaisai encouraged the new appointees to serve selflessly and to lend their voices to the national discourse. Mr. Masaisai intends in his term for the Foundation to cement itself as a national movement and so cited that the launch of a South Chapter, East Chapter and North Chapter would soon follow.

(L-R): HFYP VP Membership-Dr. Annalese Percy; VP Communications & Public Relations-Ms. Tenielle Tobias-Solomon; VP Legal-Mr. St. Clair O'Neil; Chairman Central Leadership Committee-Ms. Victoria Rattansingh; President-Mr. Farai Hove Masaisai; Attorney General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago-The Honourable Mr. Faris Al Rawi; VP Finance-Mr. Osei Benn; VP Marketing and Branding-Ms. Jenine Benjamin and VP Projects and Events-Mr. Johnson Smith.

In her maiden contribution, the newly minted Chairman of the Central Leadership Committee, Ms. Victoria Rattansingh said she was proud to lead the Heliconia Foundation’s Central Chapter and believed that the Heliconia Foundation will be the “vehicle that will transform, transfigure, and translate Central, Trinidad.”

Ms. Victoria Rattansingh, entrepreneur, and Master of Science candidate at the University of the West Indies is joined on the Foundation’s Central Leadership Committee by:

  • Mr. Rahul Rampersad, Vice Chairman
  • Ms. Maria Sawh, Secretary
  • Ms. Vithra Seereeram, Treasurer
  • Ms. Sharda Satram, Operations Officer

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